The Ultimate Student Loan Guide
It’s no secret that student loan debt in the U.S. has become a big problem — with nearly 45 million Americans now owing a total of more than $1.64 trillion in education loans.
That’s a lot of money — so much that it’s difficult to even grasp what $1.4 trillion means.
But here’s the thing, those statistics don’t mean that you’re doomed if you take on student loan debt. The truth is, much of the student loan debt crisis is a result of a lack of understanding around how it all works — both borrowing the money and how to pay it back. And that lack of knowledge is a big reason why so many people have ended up with debt that they can’t pay back.
Student loans are still a great investment — you’re investing in your education in order to get a better, higher-paying job down the road. The scary data shouldn’t deter you from making that investment — it should simply encourage you to become as informed as possible, so you can make the best decisions for your life and your situation.
The Ultimate Student Loan Guide
To help you navigate the complicated world of student loans, we have put together a comprehensive guide that walks you through everything you need to know — from choosing the right school and the best loan options available to strategies for getting the debt paid back.